Companies Registration Office

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Posted in Category(ies):  Companies Registration Office

The CRO Enforcement Section mean business as they are now actively pursuing companies for outstanding Annual Return filings at the rate of 1,000 per week.


Yes, that is right 1,000 per week!


It is expected that companies with the greatest number of outstanding Annual Returns will be targeted first. One of the penalties for filing late is the loss of audit exemption. Trying to get a Statutory Auditor at short notice to prepare appropriate Financial Statements is likely to prove both challenging and costly. Combine that with penalty filing fees and affected companies will be experiencing a severe financial pinch to end Q4 2023.


Do not wait for the CRO to catch up with you, act now.


Bring all outstanding Annual Return filings up to date. Engage with your Accountants/Auditors for support on preparing relevant Financial Statements for filing with the outstanding Annual Returns.  

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Posted on Monday, 2 October 2023  |  By Kathryn Maybury  |  0 comments
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know your numbers

Posted in Category(ies):  Companies Registration Office

KNOW YOUR NUMBERS - PPS / VIF number – New filing requirements imminent…..


Reality – imminently (due to commence on the 23rd of April but a temporary postponement was put in place by the CRO) … all directors of any company incorporated in Ireland must provide his or her Personal Public Service (PPS) number or Verification of Identity (VIF) number when filing certain documents in the Companies Registration Office.

What is difference between PPS and VIF number – PPS number is available to any individual tax resident in Ireland. VIF number is established where an individual is not tax resident in Ireland.

Scam Awareness – this is new filing requirement has already generated publicity and offers a unique opportunity to scammers. Be very careful how you engage with anyone asking for your PPS number.

Why now - the requirement to provide a PPS number is contained in the Companies (Corporate Enforcement Authority) Act 2021 but, it has taken time for the technology and verification processes to be designed and tested.

Why is it required – the purpose is to add an additional layer to verify the identity of a director when filing documentation in the Companies Registration Office.

Is compliance really necessary – providing the PPS number is a mandatory requirement which means failure to comply is a Category Offence. It also means any statutory filings will be rejected which would have knock-on effects in terms of dealing with banks, losing audit exemption, etc.

Who sees PPS/VIF number – the person preparing the statutory form for filing will enter the PPS/VIF number. When filed electronically the PPS/VIF number will never be visible to any staff in the Companies Registration Office or members of the public.

What now – where the PPS or VIF number is not already on record KomSec will contact its clients directly.   Additional blogs will be issued as the process gets up and running.


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Posted on Monday, 24 April 2023  |  By Kathryn Maybury  |  0 comments
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