Compliance Calendar for Charities to help with Annual Reporting

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Compliance Calendar for Charities to help with Annual Reporting

The Charities Regulator has usefully complied a Compliance Calendar (which I am reproducing here) to help Charities comply with their obligations to complete and file an online annual report with the Charities Regulator within 10 months of their financial year-end. For the majority of charities, their year-end is 31 December which means their annual report is due on or before the 31 October.


Start to prepare your charity’s financial accounts for 2024. If you are using the services of a third party, such as an accountant, for example, to prepare these accounts, check what information they need and when if you are not sure.

Agree the board meeting when the accounts will be approved by the charity trustees.  The accounts will need to be ready ahead of the meeting so they can be circulated to board members to give them the opportunity to review them.

Make sure to notify whoever is preparing your accounts (especially if you are using the services of a third party) of the date the accounts need to be ready for circulation and inform them, as they may not be aware, that it’s an offence for a charity to file its annual report late to the Charities Regulator after the deadline.


Draft financial accounts for 2024 are ready and circulated to all trustees of the charity.


Draft financial accounts are reviewed at the board meeting and approved by the charity trustees. If charity trustees have questions on the accounts that need to be clarified or are seeking further details, approval of the accounts can be deferred to the next meeting so the necessary information can be obtained and shared with charity trustees.


Financial accounts for 2024 are approved by the board. Begin to draft the annual report on finances and activities for the Charities Regulator.

August /September

Ahead of September board meeting, circulate the draft annual report to the charity trustees for their review.


Charity trustees review and approve the annual report to be submitted to the Charities Regulator. The report is now ready to be submitted. However, if further discussion is required, the decision to approve can be deferred to the October board meeting.


The report is submitted to the Charities Regulator.

Remember that if a Charity does not file its annual report on time it could ultimately be removed from the Charities Register and prosecuted in the district courts.


8th Charity Trustees’ Week  11 – 15 November 2024

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8th Charity Trustees’ Week

  11 – 15 November 2024

The Charities Regulatory Authority in conjunction with Boardmatch Ireland, Carmichael, Charities Institute Ireland, Dóchas, Pobal, Volunteer Ireland, and The Wheel are offering a wide range of free events to Charity Trustees again this year and are well worth checking out.

The week kicked off on Monday 11th at 10am with an event called “Meet the Charities Regulator” (Madeline Delaney, CEO Charities Regulator). There was an interesting panel discussion covering a range of topics of interest to Trustees with representatives of Carmichael, Charities Institute Ireland and the Wheel.

During the panel discussion, the Charities Regulator advised that they are working with the Department for phased introduction to the Charities (Amendment) Act 2024. By Christmas 2024, we can expect a straightforward explanatory document from the Regulator describing the new changes and what Trustees can expect.

Most of the events are online and just require registration in advance.  Events will be recorded and available in a few days at

Check out their  calendar of free events and use the hashtag:#TrusteesWeekIrl if you’re on social media.

Trustee Annual Report 2024

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Trustee Annual Report 2024

Charities in Ireland need to submit their Annual Report to the Charities Regulatory Authority within 10 months of the financial year end.

Why file with the Charities Regulator?

Aside from the legal obligation to file, because some of the information will be available on the public register, it’s an opportunity to showcase your charity’s impact , finances and charitable activities for the previous year, building trust with the public and your stakeholders.


The Charities Regulator have a number of helpful resources to help you file your charity’s Annual Report.

The Charities (Amendment) Bill 2022

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Company Secretarial Services | Corporate Governance | Compliance Tel: +353 (0) 505 34101 Email:  

The Charities (Amendment) Bill 2022 was published by The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphries on 29 April 2022. The purpose of the Bill is “to provide for a number of amendments to the Charities Act 2009. The proposed amendments aim to improve the ability of the Charities Regulator to conduct its statutory functions, ensuring more proportionate regulation leading to greater public trust and confidence in the charities sector.” The Bill is expected to be enacted later this year.

Some of the provisions include the following;

  • Establish the promotion of human rights as a charitable purpose.

  • Increase the threshold for filing of a full set of Financial Statements from a maximum gross income or expenditure of €100,000 to €250,000 (aligning with the Companies Act 2014).

  • The accounting standard “Charities Statement of Recommended Practices (SORP)” will be compulsory. An exemption will be permitted for charities with a turnover of less than €250,000.

  • Definition of charities trustee to be amended to exclude Company Secretaries (who hold no other office in the charity).

  • Introduction of new statutory fiduciary duties for trustees to act in good faith, avoid conflicts of interest and exercise an objective standard of care, skill and diligence when advancing the charitable purpose of the charity, mirroring similar duties of Directors under the Companies Act 2014.

  • New Definition of the term “Member”. This change extends the requirement to maintain a Register of Members to unincorporated associations.


Click here for full text of the Charities (Amendment) Bill 2022

New Charities Classification System

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Company Secretarial Services | Corporate Governance | Compliance Tel: +353 (0) 505 34101 Email:  

Charities Classification System

The Charities Regulatory Authority launched a Classification System on 14th November 2022 (as part of Charities Week) which broadly mirrors classification systems in other jurisdictions.

The purpose of the system is to improve functionality of the Charities Register, provide clarity on registered charities, improve data for research.

Charities to self-determine classification and rely on a “best fit” as it is not possible to achieve a perfect system. It is important to note that Classification will not put a limit on the types of activities a charity can carry out to further their charitable purpose.


How does it work?

In the example provided by the Charities Regulator, a museum for example would choose category “Arts and Culture” and can then select two secondary groups “History, heritage and culture” and “Museum or library”.

How to search charities using the classification System

A search facility will be introduced when the database is populated. This will be of benefit to funders, researchers and potential volunteers.

What should charities do now?

• Directors to agree on classification and record decision at a Board Meeting.

• Log into MyAccount to complete and submit form

• Once off process (unless charity wishes to amend it in future)

• Automatic registration of classification

• Immediate update to Register of Charities


 More Information

There’s a new Classification Section on their website with more information which includes:

Definition of a Charity Board Succession Plan

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Company Secretarial Services | Corporate Governance | Compliance Tel: +353 (0) 505 34101 Email:  


 Definition of a Charity Board Succession Plan

A board succession plan is a document that sets out the process to be followed when a Charity Trustee resigns. It’s very useful to prepare for when a Trustee’s term limit is coming up or when a Trustee departs unexpectedly. The Charity Regulatory advise that a Trustee’s term should be no more than 9 years. They have recently issued excellent guidelines on Trustee Term Limits and Succession Planning, click here.

  1. Induction

  • Induction should aim to introduce a new Trustee to the organisation, aims, values and provide an overview of the challenges its facing.

  • Understand their legal duties, responsibilities and personal liability.

  • A visit to the Charity and meet staff, volunteers, beneficiaries (if possible) and Trustees.

  • Provide an induction pack, to include set of financial statements, recent minutes, copy of strategic plan and budgets etc. Further information on an Induction Pack from Charity Regulatory Authority here.


Check out the Charity Regulatory Authority Guidance on Induction and Recruitment here


2. Identify Skills Required

This will vary, most charities will need Financial expertise for example. You will need to consider the experience you need, for example do you employ staff? If so, you will probably need HR expertise and support etc. This exercise is very helpful when you’re considering new Trustees


3. Skills Matrix

Circulate the Skills Matrix and ask your Trustees to complete (tick under the skills-sets they already have). You will find that there is a broad variety of skills and experience amongst the Board. Once this exercise is completed, you can easily identify the “gaps” which will help pinpoint the exact set of skills you’re looking for.


4. Review

Periodically review the Induction Process (with feedback from Trustees) and also periodically review the Skills Matrix, which will need to be adapted with the needs of your charity and Trustee changes etc.



The Charity Regulatory Authority have excellent resources available on their website, links are below.

Succession Planning click here

Induction Pack Checklist click here. Induction and recruitment click here

Charities – Register of Beneficial Ownership

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Company Secretarial Services | Corporate Governance | Compliance Tel: +353 (0) 505 34101 Email:  

Background (Legislative)

All Irish companies are required by legislation (which came into effect in November 2016) to establish and maintain a “Register of Beneficial Owners”. This includes charities and non-profits which are “Companies Limited by Guarantee” (CLGs). This blog is written specifically for charities which are “CLGs”. 

Purpose of Central Register

The purpose of the Central Register is to provide a central register of beneficial ownership of companies and industrial and provident societies. 

Who has access to the Central Register?

The Central Register can be accessed by:

  • Criminal Assets Bureau;

  • Revenue Commissioners

  • Gardai Síochána

  • Office of Director of Corporate Enforcement

  • General Public (a Beneficial Ownership Report can be requested) 

How to identify Beneficial Owner?

Definition of a beneficial Owner

“any natural person who ultimately owns or controls a legal entity through direct or indirect ownership of a sufficient percentage of the shares or voting rights or ownership interest in the relevant entity, or through control via other means”.

However, charities who are CLGs, don’t have beneficial owners in the conventional sense. The assets of the charity are held for its charitable purpose and the charity is run for the benefit of its beneficiaries. All CLGs are still legally obliged to submit the prescribed information to the Central Register. They are also required to hold an internal “Register of Beneficial Ownership”. The definition does not take into account that “ownership” or voting rights and so forth are solely for the benefit of the beneficiaries of the charity (it’s charitable purpose) and not in the interests of individual members.

Consequently, your charity needs to interpret this definition to establish how the legislation applies to and which individuals need to be classified.

The legislation determines that an “ownership” of over 25% defines a beneficial owner. Members of a CLG are determined to be the owners as they exercise control over the CLG by way of their right to vote at AGMs.

Three Members or less

Members are likely to qualify as “beneficial owners” if a CLG (charity) has three or less members. This is because each member has more than 25% of the voting rights. In this instance, details of the three members must be submitted to the Central Register and recorded on the company’s Internal Register of Beneficial Ownership.

Four Members or more

Most charities which are CLGs, have four or more members. The charity must diligently review whether there any individual (s) exercise indirect or direct voting rights or control over the charity. Check your Constitution and any other legal agreements in place to clarify membership). If any individual, other than a member or a senior managing official exercises control, they need to be recorded as a “Beneficial Owner”. The charity may not be able to identify a beneficial owner (having checked the Constitution and other agreements), because there are four or more members or control and voting rights are not exercised by other individuals.

In the majority of instances however, CLGs need to file prescribed information on their “Senior Managing Officials” on the Central Register of Beneficial Ownership and on an Internal Register of Beneficial Ownership. 

A Senior Managing Official includes the Directors and the Chief Executive Officer. 

Details to be filed on the Central Register

The prescribed information required for each Managing Official:


Residential Address

Nationality Date of Birth

PPS Number

Nature and extent of the Interest held or control exercised (an opportunity to record the charitable status of the CLG)

Date the individual was added to the Register

Date of cessation on the Register

PPS number entered in the RBO portal must match the name as registered on their PPSN with the Department of Employment and Social Protection. The information is not verified against the Revenue Commissioners records. For example: “Paddy” might be recorded with DEASP as “Pat”, Patrick” etc

You can ring DEASP at 1890 927 999 to check the exact name you’re registered with DEASP (for PPSN)

In the unlikely event a Managing Official does not have a PPS number, they are required to complete a BEN2 Form (to verify their identity) which must be legally authenticated. Further information on BEN2 is here

Maintain up-to-date details on the Central Register

It’s critical to keep the information up-to-date. Any changes to the Beneficial Owners must be recorded on the Central Register and also on the charity’s Internal Register of Beneficial Ownership.

Penalties for non-compliance

Legal entities (charities not exempt) who do not file are guilty of an offence and be liable on summary conviction to a Class A fine of up to €5,000 and on conviction on indictment to a fine of up to €500,000.

Charities Are your Trustee Details up-to-date with the Charity Regulator?

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All charities must ensure that details are up-to-date and accurate with the Register of Charities. Trustees are legally obliged to ensure information on the Register of Charities is accurate.


If you are a charity Trustee, you can check the register very easily, click on this link, enter the name of your charity, click onto the charity name when prompted and click the “People” tab. There you will see the names of Trustees, appointment date and years of service.


Check with your charity, that the contact details recorded for you are correct.. The Charity Regulatory uses the information recorded to communicate essential information, if they don’t have the relevant contact details you are missing out on important guidance and correspondence from them.


In their last ezine, the Charity Regulator requested all Trustees to check and update if necessary. To do this log into your MyAccount and check that the following details are correct:

  • Registered postal address

  • Email address

  • Telephone number


    If you’re having any issues, you phone the Charity Regulatory Authority 0818 927999 or email, their phone lines are manned Monday to Friday between 11am-3pm


Irish Charities: Where to donate?

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Irish Charities: Where to donate?

Here are some basic steps you can take to help you be sure your donations are going to a registered and well-governed charity.Photo by Rhiannon Elliott on Unsplash

  • Know your cause
  • Check Charity Registration
  • Review your chosen charity’s data on Benefacts
  • Read their Annual Activity Report
  • What Governance Regulations are in place?
  • Do they recognise they need to be on a Governance Journey?


Know your Cause

What do you care about and then follow your heart and your aspirationsit will mean you are more likely to be generous, and interested in staying engaged. Your chosen charity will also benefit from long term donations from you as (an interested supporter.


Check Charity Registration

First thing’s first – check that your chosen charity is on the Register of Charities before you donate.


Review your chosen Charity on Benefacts

Benefacts, a non-profit social enterprise established in 2014 is transforming accessibility and transparency of the non-profit sector in Ireland. The company provides up-to-date financial and governance data, sourced from a number of regulatory sources including the Companies Registration Office

Check your chosen charity on benefacts here and you can see their sources of funding levels of funding, income/turnover, company information (directors and length of terms), employee numbers etc. The information is presented in a neutral and impartial way and allows you judge the effectiveness of your chosen charity objectively.


Charity’s Annual Activity Report

Normally available to download on a charity’s website – a charity’s Annual Activity Report provides information that’s of interest to a number of stakeholders, including donors. A good report will provide an honest picture of what the charity is set up to do, how they use the resources available to them and their achievements.


What Governance regulations are in place?

At an absolute minimum expect to see compliance with the Charities Governance Code – (all Irish registered charities should have complied by 2020).

Charities that meet compliance in the three areas (Governance Code, Implementation of SORP and adhere to Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public) are awarded the Charities Institute “Triple Lock Award”. This is on the basis that these charities uphold the highest standards in transparent reporting, ethical fundraising and strong governance structures.


Is your chosen Charity on a Governance Journey?

We need to recognise that most charities are on a governance journey, many smaller charities with exceptionally limited resources and other hurdles are slowly implementing these changes. In these cases, look for a thoughtful strategy where the charity’s governance commitment implementation plans are clearly set out.




Charities – you just can’t win

Posted in Category(ies): Charities
A post by Kathryn Maybury | Managing Director | KOMSEC Limited | Company Secretarial Services | Corporate Governance | Compliance | Tel: +353 (0) 1 2107595 Email:  

We have become so used to hearing about Charity Trustees who have gone bad and lost the run of themselves but, in this case, depending on one’s viewpoint the only ones losing the run of themselves is either the Charities Regulator or the Revenue Commissioners or both.


Paul Murphy of RTÉ Investigates issued a fascinating update on 21.02.2020 entitled “Charities Regulator excoriated after its Trustee Nominees sued by Revenue”.  When reading this article you must suspend any thoughts about “sense” “logic” “appreciation” with “weird” “illogical” and “what on earth”.


In brief, the Kerry based Animal Heaven Animal Rescue (AHAR) incurred substantial tax liabilities which ultimately led to the closure of the Charity.  

o   January 2017 – RTÉ Investigates exposed misleading fundraising practices, unreceipted cash expenditure and a lack of financial controls.

o   March 2019 – the Charity was wound up following an audit which had commenced over 18 months before the Charities Regulator nominated four Trustees.

o   April 2019 – the Revenue initiated High Court proceedings against the Trustees nominated by the Charities Regulator. 


AHAR is now wound up but, had tax liabilities of €203,000 of which €140,000 has been paid with a commitment to repay the balance of €60,000 in October 2020.  Given the tax liabilities are being repaid, and (based on RTÉ Investigates reports) the Revenue have stated its intention to drop these proceedings if the outstanding tax liability is discharged in full why is the Revenue taking proceedings against the current Trustees?


Concerns over the level of “poor governance” at the Charity prompted the Charities Regulator to start nominating Trustees in order to “Implement proper governance and controls of the charity”

The Trustees (nominated by the Charities Regulator) did not receive any remuneration or expenses for their work.  They are however receiving legal bills as they have to defend themselves against prosecution by the Revenue which must be costing each of them somewhere between €12k to €15k each.

The Charities Regulator expressed “sympathy” for the Trustees nominated by his office to help sort out CRA issues with the Charity. 


One thing for sure the very people who were put in to help rescue the situation were the ones who are being been hammered.  Why would anyone want to be involved with a Charity at any level based on this type of scenario where people were doing the right thing for the right reasons and still lose!